New Challenges and Perspectives of Modern Chinese Studies

- 発売日
- 出版社
- ユニバーサル・アカデミー・プレス
- ページ数
- 334ページ
- 版型
- A5ハードカバー
- ISBNコード
- 978-4-904164-03-7

- A new Paradigm for Modern Chinaology: A Call for Co-Behaviorism ・・・Mitsuyuki Kagami
- The Original Modernity of China as a Method ・・・Yuzo Mizoguchi
- On the Authenticity of History: Database Methods and Paradigm Shift in Historical Research ・・・Guantao Jin and Qingfeng Liu
- Challenges and Perspectives of Chinese Studies in a Changing Society ・・・Bernhard Fuehrer
- The Future of China Area Studies ・・・Richard Madsen
- A Historic Process of Polarization of Social Strata in China:From Status to Contract ・・・Guanglei Zhu
- The Limits of Consultative Leninism ・・・Richard Baum
- The Generation and Development of Chinese Economic Going Out (Zou Chu Qu) Policy ・・・Goro Takahashi
- Chinese Corporations and Their Strategies of International Competition – A Comparative Analysis of Haier and Lenovo ・・・Shinich Kawai
- A Survey of Academic Resurrection in China Since the Initiation of Reform and Opening-Up ・・・Zhuo Zhang
- Fundamental Problems Currently Facing Cultural Studies in Chinese Ethnology ・・・Xing Zhou
- Environmental Problems in Modern China : Issues and Outlook ・・・Isamu Kayane
- Achievements and Problems of Modernization Process and Environmental Management of China in the Past 50 Years ・・・Qi Lu