




  • 衛娣(ICCS研究員):Ezra F. Vogel's Library Legacy: An Analysis and Insights into Scholarly Interests and Contributions Based on Digital Humanities


  • 金京(ICCS研究員):アイスランドにおける中国人移民研究:その位置づけと意義を問う

テーマ:Ezra F. Vogel's Library Legacy: An Analysis and Insights into Scholarly Interests and Contributions Based on Digital Humanities

 This report explores Ezra F. Vogel's library legacy with a focus on Asian studies. By systematically analyzing and interpreting his bibliographic collection through digital humanities techniques, we aim to reveal the core of his scholarly interests, the depth and breadth of his knowledge in different areas of Asian studies, the extent of his collaborations with fellow scholars and institutions, and the underlying cultural and scholarly influences that guided his academic journey.
 This study visualizes and analyzes Vogel's bibliographic collection through the lens of digital humanities. By examining his bibliographic collection, we gain insight into his scholarly endeavors from Japan to China and beyond, and the interconnections that have shaped the landscape of Asian Studies. It underscores the importance of recognizing Vogel's far-reaching influence and scholarly contributions within the broader context of Asian studies.
 This work has practical implications, and it enriches our understanding of Vogel's legacy of Asian Studies scholarship. In addition, it provides valuable inspiration and guidance for future scholars and researchers in the field of Asian studies, guiding them in their exploration of the vast and intricate intellectual landscape that Ezra F. Vogel pioneered during his academic career.
 In summary, this study fills the gap between Vogel's outstanding scholarship in Asian studies and his little-known bibliographic legacy, thereby contributing to a fuller understanding of the important role he played in shaping the field of Asian studies.
 In response to the report, discussant Prof. Li Chunli comments are as follows: The quantitative analysis is good, presented in a novel way. But there are too many breakdowns in the discussion, which can feel too cumbersome. In addition, the conclusions of the paper are not detailed enough, and some of the subject's concepts need to be more prominent. And Prof. Gao Ming-jie said: It is a very valuable attempt at new research methods.
 Based on the above comments and opinions, I would like to proceed with my research.







ICCS(International Center for Chinese Studies)について

文部科学省「21世紀COEプログラム」によって設立された愛知大学国際中国学研究センター(International Center for Chinese Studies:略称ICCS)は、本学大学院中国研究科博士課程を中核に、海外から招聘する世界レベルの学者を含む現代中国研究の国際的な研究・教育機関として、活動を行っております。

ICCSの研究における究極的目標は、伝統的な「中国学(Sinology)」にとどまらず、新たな学問分野として「現代中国学(Modern Sinology)」の構築に向けた努力を継続することにあります。これは日本発の世界的な取組みとなるでしょう。私たちは日本国内、中国をはじめとする世界の優れた仲間たちと、このための研究を進めています。
